Sunday, October 29, 2006

Thinking of How to Start!

I've been mulling around the concept for this blog and as you can see haven’t come up with much just yet… I just know I want to talk about being a Single Dad. I currently have 2 other Blogs as well as a new MySpace profile and I'm working on a book so that's a lot of writing.

The Single Dad is really going to be about my experiences raising a son. I became a Single Dad when he was 2 yrs. old and he turns 18 this April, so you can imagine I have a few stories. So come back again and see what I’ve posted. Hopefully the posts will be of interest or help to other Single Dad’s and Single Mom’s out there.


Goodlife Dubai said...

Wow, please share your stories. I can't imagine what I'll do when my little guy is 18.

Do keep in touch and visit me at Solomother any time.


Randy Smythe said...

Thanks Chritina! The time flies very fast. Make the most of every minute you have with him.

Good Luck on your job search also.
