I was driving my son to his mother's house this past weekend and he began asking when he could get his own car. His mom and I live about 15 minutes from each other and his school, job and friends are by my house. He usually has access to her car, when he's spending the week with her but when he's with me, I choose to drive him around; even dropping him off and picking him up from school -- which is only a few blocks from the house. I work out of the house, so I can always arrange my schedule to get him where he needs to be.
I only have the one car and could certainly let him have it to go to school, work and hang out with his friends but I kind of like knowing it's available when I need it. I've always just driven him to where he needs to be. I know many of you reading this think I'm crazy. Well, now that he's 18 that's just plain silly.
After our discussion about the car, I realized why I haven't worked real hard to get him one of his own -- he's my "car buddy". His mom and I divorced when he was in pre-school and at the time we lived about 25 minutes apart. We had found a private school for him to attend (Pre-School to 8th Grade) that was close to where she worked and not far from my office and since we switched custody each week, we found it easier to make the switch at school each Friday afternoon. He had clothes and personal stuff at each house, so this was a great arrangement but it required at least 40 minutes in the car each day -- 20 minutes to school and 20 minutes back home after school.
I realize this now, the time in the car was our time to bond! I don't recall any earth shattering conversations but over the last 14 years the two of us have really enjoyed our time in the car. I always made a point not to have the radio on while we were in the car, so I could catch up on his day. Most days, we talked from the time he got in the car to the time I said goodbye. Well, that habit is kind of hard to break. As he's grown older, our "car time" is about the only time we talk, so I'm beginning to see why I've avoided the subject of getting him his own car. I don't want to lose my "car buddy"
I think the bond we have as father and son, was strengthened by that time we shared in the car but he is now 18 years old and building his own life, so perhaps its time for me to let that part of our relationship end. To be honest I'm not looking forward to that. Who would have thought that 40 minutes in a car each day would have such an effect. I'm going to miss my "car buddy"
Monday, July 30, 2007
Bonding In The Car!
Posted by
Randy Smythe
5:29 AM
Labels: bonding, car, independence
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Hi Randy
I enjoyed reading your post... just had to comment!
Don't worry... you are not going to lose your "car buddy". It may not be each day but the "car time" will remain a special time. Take it from a single mom of 24 years (smiles). I have traded in several cars over the years but my favorite "car buddy" has remained the same.
Even as a baby... when she could not sleep... a nice little drive around the block would send my little "car buddy" right to dreamland.
I will always treasure the trips to and from school, basketball games, rec ball games, youth meetings, college visits, etc. Believe me... the car buddies treasure the "car time" too.
Recently my fully employed, college graduate, "living on my own", graphic designer daughter and I took a car daytrip to Virginia. It was her idea... she asked me to join her on the drive. We talked and laughed the whole way there and back. Had a ball!!
So believe me when I say that your parent-child relationship may change after 18th or 21st birthday but "car time" will not be over. It may be less frequent trips... new topics... new destinations but not over. Oh, yea... the best part is that you get to sit back in the passenger seat and enjoy the ride and the company of your "car buddy" and "friend". So enjoy now but still look forward to tomorrow!
I think it's completely understandable that you want to keep your car time :) It's difficult to talk parent to child especially when that child is an 18 yr old man now and when you're confined in a small space it's easier to keep his attention and have that bonding time. I'm sure your son will find that he misses that bonding time just as much as you do and you guys will both find a way to make up for that lost time :)
OMG I've been skimming through your blog and I almost want to cry! My son is two yrs old and I know we're going to have that bond. Often times I think that one day he will build his life and get married and I'm going to lose my baby boy!!! He will always be my baby boy! Reading your blog only tells me the unavoidable. 16 more yrs to go! LoL
I can relate! My oldest is getting ready to get her own place and having a baby. It just seems like a dream and I feel like just yesterday she was still a toddler.
Great info, thanks for sharing. I would not change my life for anything. I see that I am not alone.
I wanted to leave a comment for you to let you know that it's nice to see a dad want to take care of their child. I posted a link from your site on one of my blogs because, having worked in childcare for many years, I don't see a lot of dads. Hope your son never forgets that the bond you have, although it may change, it will never be broken.
My oldest son is just now hitting the age to drive; this has been a big issue in our house. His mother allows him a lot more freedom then I do. This i think is due to the fact that she is remarried and does not count on her kids to be "there" for her. I get my kids every weekend, when they want to be going out. If I get the car I’m afraid I will not have as much time with them as I did before. I guess this is just how it goes with kids growing up but it’s hard all the same. It is so great you had that time with your son and built such a great relationship. :)
The older they get the tougher it gets to keep them close. Once they get to be driving age and get a part-time job with their own money they want their independence.
It will be tough on you for awhile, then you just realize the relationship has changed and you have to change with it.
My son will be 20 in a month and we are still close, even though we only see each other in passing. The bond is still there but the dynamic has changed. He is in college and working and has his own life.
His relationship with his mom is much more complicated because she didn't handle the transition as well.
Great post. The car is by far one of the best places to bond with your kids! Me and my little guy love taking drives for that very reason. Our favorite game is, "I can kick your butt so hard..." and then we say what'll happen after the other person's butt gets kicked. Silly, but a royal blast with a three year old.
Even as kids get older, they'll find new ways to get that same talk time and advice from ol' dad.
Dan Pearce
Author, Single Dad Laughing
Greetings, Dads.
This is a great post and story, and we would like to commend you for putting in the time and effort toward maintaining a good relationship with your children.
We have done research that proves paternal relationships have major impact on a child's well-being and self-esteem.
Just to put something into perspective: Almost half (46%) of young people hardly ever talk to their fathers about important things, and 28% of children completely lose contact with their fathers three years after their parents separate.
The Children’s Society is working to help fathers and children develop closer relationships. Our aim is to reduce problems as children grow older. Your views can help us.
The Fatherhood Commission aims to gather evidence from a range of children, professional and the general public, to present a child centred case for the importance of fatherhood.
It will take just 5 minutes to give your views: www.childrenssociety.org.uk/fatherhood.
For more information email us at fatherhood@childrenssociety.org.uk
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That is just too sweet. Really kind of brought tears to my eyes. Now my daughter is only 2 and sleeps most of the time in the car. But I can't wait til she becomes my car buddy and tells me more about her day.
My dad always used to do this with me. I thought it was really dumb at first but over time I grew to really love those moments with my dad. single parenting is hard enough, I was just glad that I didn't make it any harder on him.
enjoy reading your blog.. will soon be a single daddy too.. so apparantly we only have 18 years of company :)
Hello Dear,
Actually, Being a single father
is a difficult job, but one with innumerable rewards. Whether you are a divorcee or a widow, being the prime caregiver for your children is a big responsibility that will likely become the focus of your life. Even those single fathers who work and have childcare help understand that raising their children is their life’s work.
I know that it can be very difficult but it is so important to stay the course. you have to understand that it's also difficult for you children and it's best if you can be strong for them!
Nice Post ! I also enjoy the car for bonding or should l say 'Fun & Games' My 2 and half year old daughter and myself have sooo much fun in the car. When ever we are in the car l will have the music from the ipad playing and my daughter and l have a few favorite songs. I love signing to her/with her and she will usually pick up a few words and a few lines along the way. For some reason the only time we really listen to music is when we are in the car.. So the care is great for bonding in our little family too.
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